The Vocati Group
Dr. Pearce is a globally-recognized organizational behavior expert whose work focuses on purpose-driven leadership, multicultural meritocracy, organizational transformation, and negotiation strategies for leaders. Through his global executive advisory practice, The Vocati Group, Dr. Pearce has been privileged to serve as a trusted executive adviser, leadership coach, organizational strategist, conference speaker, and retreat facilitator, for several of the world’s premier organizations, including Fortune Global 500 corporations, social impact organizations, government agencies, and faith-based institutions, including:
Executive Coaching
We partner with top-level and high-potential leaders who are growth-minded and hungry for focused development in six and twelve-month coaching relationships to drive self-discovery, boost confidence, and facilitate greater human flourishing.
Executive Strategic Advising
We partner with leaders of teams, organizations, and boards who are looking for honest, objective thought partnership in the face of a particular strategic leadership or organizational challenge. Drawing on our rich insight into organizational behavior and experience with organizations on six continents, we serve as a trusted problem-solving partner for leaders navigating sensitive challenges. Different than coaching, which is focused on the leader, strategic advising is focused on partnering to solve the organizational challenge(s) at-hand.
Leadership Development Workshops
We offer keynote, quarter-day, half-day, and full-day sessions that integrate cutting-edge insights from the social & behavioral sciences with proven practical strategies to create transformative light-bulb moments for leaders and teams in corporations, social impact organizations, and governments. From annual conferences, to leadership retreats, to year-long talent development programs, we partner with organizations to invest in developing the leadership capacity of their people. These sessions draw extensively on Dr. Pearce's Leadership in Organizations course, one of the highest-rated courses at Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management.